I was on top of that car like I was the HULK (c) MC

Some people need to cool it on the facebook statuses....

MC has been in jail since 12:33pm...racism is a b*tch, but atleast im not a daddy & i discovered Y real mean become niggas & play females. NEVER AGAIN!!!
4 hours ago - 5 Comments

LM at 5:35pm December 15

MC at 5:41pm December 15 via Facebook Mobile
I may be in JAIL, but they kno i dont belong here in this dengy ass black & white outfit, thats Y they gave me my phone!!!but ill nvr get played by another female. when i found out u were pregnant i shoulda acted like a straight up nigga & turned the other cheek. i never shoulda been at planned parenthood tryina stop the abortion. probably aint mine. but on a brighter note, i finally fully understand the Lord's Prayer. i may be angry & dont talk like i understand it but im not perfect. Despite where im at, i STILL SMILE & hav a sense of HUMOR LOL. i was ontop of that car like i was the HULK, until the police showed up lol, then i realized im not bullet proof & that racist person wanted 2 shoot me. the other 3 cruisors were cool, but i dont understand Y u need 4 cars for a 5'5 person like myself lol i wasnt even on top of my car when they pulled up, i was on the phone inside of my car sittin wit the door open, but all of the officers R real cool, except the 1 r cool ppl

1. Why is this nigga posting a status update FROM jail?
2. Why do I know allllll of this niggas business and I don't even know him like that?
3. Why did he even bring the Lord's prayer into this?
4. Why do I have a headache after reading this? I wish he spent more time on the hooked on phonics website, instead of facebook

Black people.... We need to do better.

Dictated not Read,

The Management.