To be loved.... Oh, what a feeling (c) Coming to America

... I know that's not where the original quote came from... but whenever I hear that song that is what I think of... I came across this card my bestest friend sent me while cleaning and it was right on time because I was feeling quite blah...

I'm feelin like posting some lyrics today lol.

I am heaven sent/Don't you dare forget/I am all you've ever wanted/What all the other girls are promised/Sorry I told./I just needed you to know.

Oh, the good girl/guy's anthem.... SHOUTOUT TO ROB LOVELL!! This was our SONG back in '03 (gotta love Freshman year in Stradley... 6th floor wha wha?!?!?!) I'm slowly becoming the old me again and no longer feeling sorry for myself... I'm "a catch" right Meezy's minions? This blog is becoming more personal than I expected... any who... Thanks for reading! Have I told you that I loved you today? :)