@BlackGuyAtWork-isms Lol

So I think my male friends tend to forget that I'm a girl at times and therefore neglect to censor themselves. I appreciate this because I feel like I can ask them anything and I tend to learn a lot during these conversations. The convo below is one of those instances.
me:How often do you watch porn?
@BlackGuyAtWork:ehh, not very often
i look at pics of past broads more often than i watch videos though
me:My one friend's husband was addicted to porn lol
I'm just trying to figure out how much porn warrants an addiction
@BlackGuyAtWork:yeah i dont get that
specially when its a perfectly good pussy available
me:lol. Yeah, he was married so it was available I guess you could say
they're not anymore
@BlackGuyAtWork:that sucks
she not cute?
maybe he aint wanna be fuckin here
could be she just has a wack vag
me:Yeah she's cute
@BlackGuyAtWork:but whats worse, being addicted to porn or cheating
me:cheating I guess
@BlackGuyAtWork:well at least he wasnt doin that then
me:why would he marry someone with wack pussy though?
it aint all bout sex
me:but men do that?
@BlackGuyAtWork:i dont know
dont know this nigga
but i imagine if women do men do as well
me:Would you marry a woman that had wack pussy for love?
@BlackGuyAtWork:if its bitch ass bitches, its bitch ass niggas
me:I thought only women were capable of sacrificing good sex for the sake of love
@BlackGuyAtWork:and no i woulndt marry a chick with wack pussy, but less than amazing, ok
@BlackGuyAtWork:like i dont expect the chick i marry to have the best pussy i ever had
and the chicks with the best pussy usually dumb or nasty
@BlackGuyAtWork:or pudgy
@BlackGuyAtWork:them big bitches got work
@BlackGuyAtWork:something bout fat girls..they look at dick like its food
like its a last meal or something
swallow everything
just want u to beat it
and u can fuck em as hard as u want...shit dont hurt them
lil girls be all soft bout it
me:I can't breathe
@BlackGuyAtWork:want u to slow down and kiss em and shit
fuck that
big bitch like go head and BEAT this pussy
it can handle it
@BlackGuyAtWorkso yeah
me:How long can you go without sex again? I forgot what you said
@BlackGuyAtWork:week or two
after that i start getting thirsty
me:then why the hell are you in a long distance relationship?
i know it doesnt make sense
but i think in relationships
some infidelity is expected
and im not cheating cause i dont like her...i just bust a nut on occasion
we discussed this
no different from masturbation
me:yeah I remember
so that works both ways right?
@BlackGuyAtWork:of course not
because girls dont need sex as much
@BlackGuyAtWork:its like alcohol tolerance
me:I disagree
@BlackGuyAtWork:like men can drink more
and it takes more to get the same effect
and ur lil buzz will last all nite off one drink while itll take me 3 to get where u at
its like that
like girls are always going months without dick
no problem
thats not a guy thing
at all
me:but if you did go months without pussy what would happen?
You'd be crabby?
@BlackGuyAtWork:i dont know
ive never really gone more than a month without pussy
how many times have you had sex and you haven't came? Like does that happen often?
i always come
i think thats a girl issue
yeah, see, and i get a nut off when i fuck everytime
so im gonna fuck every chance i get
@BlackGuyAtWork:but pussy is just as important as sunshine
it keeps things movin
keeps niggas ambitious
making money
reading books
pussy is the life force of the universe
me:but you said back when you were a virgin you were more focused, attentive in class, respectful of women
@BlackGuyAtWork:yeah but i mean that was so long ago. i remember saying that because i remember talking about you getting into harvard law. but thats the virgin thing. since you didn't have sex you were all attentive and shit. i dun had sex already. i can't go back to that level of productivity. so i rely on pussy to keep me productive
@BlackGuyAtWork:id never tell my girl that though
part of being a good boyfriend and being in a relationship is keeping up the illusion
ur girl wants to believe that her vagina is the only vagina u want
do guys want to believe their peen is the only peen their girl wants?
@BlackGuyAtWork:of course
@BlackGuyAtWork:thats part of being a good girl
making me believe that i have the best, biggest most satisfying penis u ever had
me:but my vagina will never be the only one any guy will want ever?
@BlackGuyAtWork:no some guy will
like i think in the end ill be very satisfied with one girls vag, but that doesnt mean i wouldnt wanna sample someone else on occasion
but why would you want to if you're already satisfied?
@BlackGuyAtWork:but for the most part u happy
@BlackGuyAtWork:i mean its like we married right, but ima still wanna fuck beyonce
i may not get to
but the desire still there
thats all
me:oooh ok
I get it
me:well as long as there's hope for me and my vag I feel better
@BlackGuyAtWork:yeah its all good
A mess right? You're welcome. Lol