For British Eyes Onlyyyyyy... (c) Arrested Development.

Well maybe not… But you get the idea.  ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT may be coming back for another season before the movie!  I excite!  I <3 me the Bluth family.  Check out the deets as they unfold via twitter below:’s Jordan Raup tweeted the following from “The Bluth Family Reunion” Panel at The New Yorker Festival:

Arrested Development is coming back for one more season before the movie! [source]

After which he tweeted:
Hurwitz plans 9-10 new #ArrestedDevelopment eps to catch up on the last 5 years of each character before the film.

Could it be true? Considering it’s coming from AD creator Mitchell Hurwitz, it’s probably fair to say that at the very least, this is the idea he has in mind for the show’s return. Putting the series back on the air for a mini-season would certainly be a great way to rejuvenate interest before the film, and it would also serve to give the writers the opportunity to build up the story to set up the movie. 

The comedy series aired on Fox for three seasons and went off the air in 2006. Five years later, fans are still hoping to see the story revisit and the Bluth family reunited for more of their ridiculous shenanigans. Hopefully we’ll hear more details on this plan/idea and find out whether something is actually in the works, and if Fox or some other network (or pay-cable channel?) is on board to host the series’ return. 

Update: Will Arnett just Tweeted the following:

I’m peeing with @batemanjason at the moment..and we can confirm that we are going to make new AD eps and a movie