Hmmm (c) Lyfe Jennings

Well, it looks like the one of the most ignant niggas that I know has struck again… (look at this pic for instance… He is holding a plastic cup.. that’s like 2 notches above posing with a 40oz).  It seems as if STL-ians have been getting into it with D-list celebrities a lot over twitter lately… First time around a few of my friends were beefin with Lil Mo (I don’t even know why she bothered verifying her account, it’s 2010…I think it’s safe to say no one would be trying to infiltrate twitter to pose as her… Now in 2000… MAYBE… On second thought… NAH).  Anyway, this time around it seems as if my own fam has gotten into a twitter beef with Lyfe Jennings… Check out the correspondence between the two that occurred today below

It all started with this tweet from Eric: @elathamII “@KytheRHOgue: Lyfe Jennings bugs the hell out of me. I disagree with the statistics, where did he get these numbers from?< right”

Lyfe: @elathamII sound like u want ya sister to…why let her suffer so u can get some coochie???

Eric: @Lyfeonline419 1 I don’t have a sister 2 your statistics were bullshit facts you made up & 3 NIGGA EAT A DICK! Ole non singin ass nigga

Lyfe: @elathamII well I bet u got a mama. And if u can’t be a man keep ya dick in ya pants or jack off lame.

Eric: @Lyfeonline419 nigga what do your bullshit facts have to do wit my manhood? You got them statistics from Wikipedia

Lyfe: @elathamII and u a good gangsta twitterer, u should go pro!

Lyfe: @elathamII what kind of man always talk about dicks??? Sounds like a fetish to me…

Eric: @Lyfeonline419 and hold up…BITCH DID YOU REFER TO MY MAMA?! Nigga go GOLD & then you can tweet me ole regular ass nigga

Eric: @Lyfeonline419 nigga I’m not talkin singles I’m talkin records! N nigga at the end of the day my Mother has had more success in her field

Lyfe: @elathamII that’s what people like about me, I am regular. Plus I got one plat and two gold under my belt, but no hate or twitter rage. Tell ya mom I said hello I’m sure she respects what I do…

Lyfe: @elathamII I don’t wann break no news but….

Eric: @Lyfeonline419 than you in yours my kind sir you can google her Cheryl Latham. And she’s the one who pointed out that your stats are bull

Lyfe: @elathamII and I’m happy for her I’m sure she has God in her life. God will make u a success just like the devil will make u a twitterer…

Lyfe: @elathamII now why r u givin ya moms name out on twitter!!?? Polish up young lady.

Eric: @Lyfeonline419 first of all I’m a man, and my mother isn’t worried about her name on twitter cuz its all over the city of St. Louis

Eric: @Lyfeonline419 so I hate to break no news to you but when you made songs that made sense I fucked wit em but this new bullshit sounds like up to think that they’re better than they really are. Quit helpin make US black man the bad guy n make some shit that equally represents what actually goes on out here n the real world

Eric: @Lyfeonline419 and nigga when they start lettin prisoners get twitter? Aint you still locked up?

Lyfe: @elathamII do u think you sister or niece feel the same? Or do u want them to have a trffiin nigga that beat em? She needs this and ill sacrifice some coochie before I sacrifice her…sorry.

Eric: @Lyfeonline419 nigga ion got no mufuckin sister! My niece has enough sense 2keep her legs closed, she didn’t need a song to teach her morals

Lyfe: @elathamII and ima tell yo mama you was cussin too!

Eric: “@Lyfeonline419: @elathamII and ima tell yo mama you was cussin too!” and ima tell yo P.O. You been smokin weed

Lyfe: @elathamII ok cool fam I got a show there on the 8th you can tell me all your problems with my music then. But u gotta buy a ticket to get to me…peace and God speed brother..

Eric: @Lyfeonline419 nigga I’m not finna pay to hear yo bullshit! But I’ll be in the parkin lot you can rap wit me there bruh

Eric: @Lyfeonline419 According to the state of Georgia, Chester Bamsu (Lyfe) Jennings is $7,326 past due on child support payments #Statistics”

Poor Eric was blocked my Mr. Jennings after this tweet… Smh. #ThingsWeakNiggasDo.