It's ya burfffday (c) 50 Cent

So today my lil bro turns 21!  He was sulking all morning about how disappointing his birthday had been thus far and was super shocked when we threw him a surprise party! I only have a few pics…  But I’ll be adding to this post when the others get developed…

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Kaelan and my mom (Carol Ann) jamming to one of their fav songs

The burfffday boy and Tiera

Shannon the bartender

Carol Ann walked in her room after picking me up and SKINEMAX had some nas nas on tv… Carol Ann was traumatized at this finding

My Uncle Brian, My Uncle Will and his LB’s

Take 2

Home deliciousness

LEGS!!!  What lil bit of them I have

I took your J. Yon to an STL STAPLE… The Best Steakhouse on Grand… He LOVED it!

Lil Thaiyana sporting what my Aunt Sherilyn calls her “Mia outfit” we all know I’m a sucka for tulle!

My Uncle Will and my Mom’s MASSIVE WEDGIE!

Me being fast! :)