THIS RIGHT HERE!!! is what I’ve been fussing about for some time now! Check out Vashtie’s blog post entitled “The Sissification of Modern Man… Fad or Epidemic?"
I WAS going to write a blog about this but the things she and her friends stated pretty much encompass everything I feel about the matter… THIS MUST END! I mean, it’s cool that men that are into fashion are now not automatically presumed to be gay, etc. but the ones that are just ridiculously emo and extra drive me bonkers. I do NOT want my man throwing hissy fits and whining over social networks! Sorry, that’s just not the kind of man that excites me… It’s becoming hard to tell between those that are genuinely interested in fashion, etc. and those that are just going along with the fad… (even though for me it’s ridiculously obvious after talking to said "posers” for a few minutes) UGH! Just be you! Anyway, vent over… READ THE BLOG NOW!