So I asked this question on twitter earlier today because I was curious...
Twitter Poll:How many of my male followers follow porn stars on twitter? And if so, y? Lol. I need some insight for a discussion I'm having.
SHOUTOUT to @TrueNalej For being the only person that responded... His response was...
@HurtMEEZYSoul nah def dnt y wud i want to follow a pornstar
So, since I was dissatisfied with my responses I went to consult my friend Brandon. Brandon is the most honest male everrrrr. He ALWAYS keeps it 100 with me and is one of the few males in my life that I have never caught in a lie. I knew he would shed some light on this for me... Our correspondence is below....
Me:Do you follow any porn stars on twitter?
i dont know any to follow em like that
should i?
Me:I was just wondering
like what niggas got outta that?
Brandon:i aint up on porn like that
and a bitch is a bitch on twitter
but maybe porn stars get naked a lot
who knows
Me:lol ok
Brandon:i prefer looking at chicks i know naked though
like it seems more real
So I take my question to tumblr... Fellas... Do you follow porn stars on twitter? Why or why not? I'm just trying to understand lol.