A friend of mine posed a question that I was encouraged to answer. He is known to be very blunt and had noticed that ladies that used to nonchalantly disregard and even sometimes laugh at his aggressive advances were now getting pissed off. So, he asked me why could this be. First, I will explain the two scenarios…
First Scenario…
Brandon: What are you wearing?
Girl: That is getting old.
Brandon: Well fine, show me ya titties then.
Second Scenario… Different girl.
Brandon: Mia, lets say hypothetically you’re a dark skinned chick and a nigga drunk dials you and says he’ll lick your pussy light-skinned. Are u mad at him now?
Mia: Did you say that to someone B?
Brandon: Lets say hypothetically that I did…
Mia: I mean if that’s the type of witty banter she’s used to getting from you then I dunno why she would get mad…
Brandon: Yeah and i dont feel like i should have to apologize cause i already beat
and u know me
thats the type of shit im liable to say
and she know that
Mia: Yeah, well I don’t see what the problem is.
However, I decided to give Brandon a little insight into the female psyche. Though I feel my friendship with him has jaded me slightly, I still am kind of in touch with my feminine side lol. I told him that what it boils down to is that although women do like to feel that you are attracted to them sexually… (Any woman that says that they don’t want to be and feel sexy is lying)… At the end of the day they also want to feel like their sex appeal isn’t all that they have to offer. I told him to switch it up. Though I know to him and most the allure of the vajajay begins to fade once you’ve “smanged…" My advice to him would be to still request titty pics, but every now and then ask a hoe how her day is… and pretend that you actually give a f*ck… Pretending goes a long way with the ladies… it’ll get you what you want and at the end of the day…She gets what she wants as well. No matter how superficial your intentions are. However, if you don’t want your titty pic taker to catch feelings then I suggest you keep talking to her like you normally would. No sense in playing the game and exuding that extra effort when you have no intentions of the heff being any more that an tit pic sender.