Well, seeing as though I was going to write about the DNC (Democratic National Convention for all you remedial folk out there reading) today I couldn't help but incorporate my dear friend Marcel in the tag line. Wow this has been an amazing convention. I must say I am truly in awe watching history be made. I mean you can say what you want about Mr. B. Hussein Obama but I know in my 23 years on this Earth I have NEVER seen as many people in my immediate social circle as interested in politics as they are this election... And I was a Political Science major that was/am around uber politic lovin lames all the time (hey I'm one too so essentially I'm talking about myself as well :-p) so that says A LOT!
For some people seeing is believing, and Barack is making us as African-Americans take a look at ourselves and think 'Hey why CAN'T we be President?' which is an amazing feat. Now I am in no why shape or form stating that this is the first time that we as a race has posed ourselves this question, it's just the first time is history that attaining such a goal is remotely feasible...
But, enough about politics for today... I have to cut this discussion a little short because I have some things that I need to tend to. However, I shall leave you with a tune... An oldie but a goodie if I do say so myself that pretty much sums up my mood for today. Sure being the President is great, but power in the wrong hands can be a dangerous thing. It is one thing to have power, but what you do with said power is truly what dictates greatness. The Flobots address this topic in their song Handlebars... and I pretty much am in love with them so check out http://www.theflobots.com/. They are doing what I would love to do one day... Getting people engaged in civic involvement through music. I tip my hat to you flobots! :)
The Flobots... Handlebars video
For some people seeing is believing, and Barack is making us as African-Americans take a look at ourselves and think 'Hey why CAN'T we be President?' which is an amazing feat. Now I am in no why shape or form stating that this is the first time that we as a race has posed ourselves this question, it's just the first time is history that attaining such a goal is remotely feasible...
But, enough about politics for today... I have to cut this discussion a little short because I have some things that I need to tend to. However, I shall leave you with a tune... An oldie but a goodie if I do say so myself that pretty much sums up my mood for today. Sure being the President is great, but power in the wrong hands can be a dangerous thing. It is one thing to have power, but what you do with said power is truly what dictates greatness. The Flobots address this topic in their song Handlebars... and I pretty much am in love with them so check out http://www.theflobots.com/. They are doing what I would love to do one day... Getting people engaged in civic involvement through music. I tip my hat to you flobots! :)
The Flobots... Handlebars video