George Rekers
Mr. Rekers is a Baptist minister and anti-gay rights activist... He was recently caught with his own personal gay escort/prostitute in the airport. What was Mr. Rekers explanation you ask? "I had surgery...and I can't lift luggage. That's why I hired him." His medical problems didn't seem to stop him from pushing his baggage cart throughout the entire airport... SMH

I am the stone that the builder refused (c) Asheru

SEASON 3 of The Boondocks debuted last night and twitter was POPPIN! I had to watch it twice because I was so busy tweeting that I missed the satirical subtleties that makes The Boondocks so prolific... I was more than pleased with the season debut and I can't wait for more... I'm like a FIEND! What makes The Boondocks so ingenious is that even the people that the show pokes fun of are fans of it... I hope that it forces some of those people to look at themselves critically... That would be pretty sweet! Lol.

I have nothing to do with counting the votes. (c) Kenneth Blackwell

Jon Stewart was really givin it to Mr. Blackwell yesterday... Check it out below :)
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Ken Blackwell
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Ken Blackwell Extended Interview Pt. 2
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Ken Blackwell Extended Interview Pt. 3
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

I wish America had universal health care (c) Edo G

Sorry, Edo G... Keep wishing... But things are definitely happening in regards to health care in the US...

So unless you were under a rock you know that the health care bill has passed... I found a LOT of interesting correspondence on this... One of the most interesting articles that I've read this far you can find HERE.. It discusses how the health care bill could possibly affect communities of color...


So the Tea party-ers were out on Capital Hill protesting the passage of Healthcare reform (as usual). However, this time members of Congress were being called faggot and nigger, and some were even spit on. Representative James Clyburn said he had not witnessed such treatment since he was leading civil rights protests in South Carolina in the 1960s. SMH. We gotta do better.

The agony and the irony they're killin me... (c) Harvey Danger

Roy Ashburn

(State Senator R-California) was arrested for drunk driving while leaving a gay night club. Sure, this isn't that big of a story after all there are more and more politicians coming out of the closet as of lately.... However, Ashburn was not one of the politicians that was out of the closet as of yet. In fact, Roy has very stringent views when it comes to gay rights laws and is well known as an opponent of gay rights... Just sad... What ever happened to standing for what you ACTUALLY believe in?

Ppl think that there is a country there that these people are only around when they are on CNN. I don't think that's limited to Haiti. (c) Edwidge D.

So since you've been requesting... Here's another post from one of my favs Mali-BU lol. I know he's awesome, and I would like nothing more than to keep his amazing writings to myself but I figured I wouldn't be selfish...FOLLOW HIM ON TWITTER and stop bugging me about when he's gonna write something else :-p @thegreatone1

I remember when I was about 10 or 11 years old, I watched Good Times nightly around 10:30 before I went to bed for school. My mother put me on to the show, and me and her used to watch it together while my dad was working the night hours detailing cars at Avis at Hartsfield-Jackson Airport in Atlanta, Georgia. One of my favorite characters in Good Times was James Evans Sr. He was the hardworking father and bread winner of the struggling innercity Chicago family. He put his whole soul into looking for whatever work is out there to put his family in the best position possible, much like my father. He even had the same messed up mini fro, sometime rocked the same jump suit and threatened to whoop me, just like my father. I endeared myself to the James Evans character. This was a nightly routine until the episode where...well If you all have seen Good Times, you know which episode I am talking about. The one where James Evans Sr. died when he was out of state looking for a job. At the very same time my own father was looking to take a contract in South Carolina working for PYA Monarch, a trucking company that specialized in wholesale food supplies for restaurants. In any event, I stopped watching Good Times ever since because, essentially when James died doing all of the things my father was trying to do for his family. Shakes me to the core to this day, because the parallels between what was going on, on that tv and my own family. Now take that feeling and fast forward to 2010. The Haitian Earthquakes.

For many people who do not know, I am the son of immigrants from the small west African nation of Sierra Leone. A country made famous recently through the exploits of Kanye West in his song “Diamonds from Sierra Leone”. I, by no means am, Haitian but there is a glaring parallel between the two nations: These are two countries who have been economically decimated for years that have encountered humiliating injustices internally for decades that finally received recognition due to a horrid event. With Sierra Leone, it was a civil war over the control of the lucrative Diamond industry. A war that saw children age 5 through 13 being kidnapped from their homes by warlords. Recruited as foot soldiers for the sole purpose to do the biddings of grown men. These children were given semi automatic weapons, flame throwers and opiates and were told to destroy in the name of an industry which has yielded no benefit to their country men. Homes were burned to the ground and limbs, yes limbs, were cut off from victims who had nothing to do with the diamond trade at all. Why? Because the warlords wanted control. The problem progressed for years until the occurrences of the country were leaking out to news outlets globally. But the strife and terror already served it’s purpose to the tiny nation.

On the other end you have Haiti. Now my knowledge of the countries history is a little more limited than my knowledge of Sierra Leone’s history due to the fact I have family in the latter, however from what I have read and from accounts of my friends whose family and friends are from and, still reside in, the nation, saying “it was a bad situation, would be an egregious understatement. Like, Sierra Leone, Haiti has been ravaged by institutional instability due to an influx of dictatorship, a very limited economy, and an inability to acquire social rest. The unmistakable distinction between the two developing nations is that Haiti has had no natural resources to ease the countries deplorable position. Haiti has been struggling since it’s independence from France.

Now I know many felt for the Haitian people, and I am not trying to win a pissing contest for who cares more, nevertheless my heart hurts for them as if they were family because of the parallels between Haiti and Sierra Leone and my connection to people who have family from those countries. Not many know the similar values that West Indian/Caribbean people and African people share. So it really felt like family. This writer’s point is it took two heart wrenching events for the world to pay attention to these nations. In some ways I understand that home needs to be taken care of first, nevertheless, there are countries out there that are struggling tremendously and even more so than this country. I am not saying take food out of your mouth to feed a child in Zanzibar. My goal is to inspire some of you to pay close attention to the strife and heartache of other’s and be more aware of how bad it really can become. Also I hope that efforts such as the “Haiti Relief” effort can cause more effort into volunteer and relief endeavors in the future. Spend more time in helping these type of countries and areas in the United States (hello New Orleans) become a little more stable and ready to meet with harsh events. I always say that God will keep on giving you a message until you “get it”. Each time you choose to ignore his message or “don’t get it” he will deliver that message ten times stronger the next time. With Haiti, I believe the message should be loud and clear.

There is nothing which persevering effort and unceasing and diligent care cannot accomplish. (c) Seneca

So Haiti needs our help more than EVERRRR. Tonight is the Hope for Haiti telethon... I won't be watching... but I shall be donating :). I've collected about 120 pair of kicks to send so I'm pretty happy about that. Please help in any way you can... this is truly a tragedy.

You can start by downloading this AMAZING compilation cd... Check out the tracks below. The Lupe Fiasco ft. Kenna track entitled Resurrection has been on REPEAT! DONATE HERE

I just want to say to the kids out there watching: You can do anything you want in life. Unless Jay Leno wants to do it too. (c) Conan

So, unless you were under a rock this week you have heard about Conan GIVING it to NBC/Jay Leno about the war for the Tonight Show time slot... I am definitely Team Conan... Check out the monologue below

Jimmy Kimmel gave it to Jay on his OWN SHOW! That's just so gansta.... Check it outttttttt :)

Can't we all just get along? (c) Rodney King

I’ve loved comic books ever since I was a little girl… I blame my father. He was always into comic books, collector toys, etc… He would take me to the comic book store every Wednesday when I was a wee little Mia (some might say that I am still wee, I’m 5 foot AND A FOURTH, don’t judge…) *Random Facts* I’ve been to the midnight premiere of EVERY Batman movie (yes even Batman Forever lol). I’ve also seen all 22 James Bond films (explains my affinity for Aston Martin’s right? I was so pissed when it was replaced with the BMW Z3 for that brief stint). I share these facts only to reiterate that these are two of the many reasons that I’ve been labeled a “guy’s girl.” My dad always warned me that my love for “rock music,” sports, and video games would attract the men folk… But I’ve found that while a majority of men claim they want a girl that watches ESPN and hates romantic comedies… that is normally not the case… Any who, I’m soooo getting off topic, so I digress.

During my “tomboy” days I developed an intense love for X-Men… not to say that this love hasn’t transcended time… even with my current not as tomboyish state (SEE THIS and THIS for proof of lameness…) I didn’t understand until around High School though why I loved them so dearly. I, like most young black girls, wanted to be Ororo Munroe (Storm…) but I’m a Gemini so I needed a character for my multiple personalities... So I also dreamed of being Jean Grey (Phoenix) - because she was soooo powerful and strong, and Selene Gallilo (Black Queen) even though she was a “villain,” she represented my dark side lol. I just loved the idea of the X-Men being this team of “outcasts” that were able to come together and celebrate their differences… And then it hit me… X-Men are BLACK PEOPLE… now I doubt that I am the first person to come to this conclusion but at the age of 14 coming to this epiphany changed my life lol. I mean the story lines, characters, villains, etc. screams Civil Rights Movement. The mutants (nig’ras) struggling/fighting for equal rights, some deciding to conform to societies wishes by hiding who they really are, while others choosing to embrace their differences… It’s such a distinct correlation (I could go on and on with the similarities but I don’t want to bore you non comic book losers).

But before I conclude, look at the discrepancies within the mutant (nig’ra) community. You have Charles Xavier (Professor X) who is trying to fight for equality for mutants in a peaceful manner and work with humans to attain this goal… Can you say MLK people? And then you have Eric Lehnsherr/Max Eisenhardt/Magnus (Magneto) who believes that humans will never be able to understand the mutants’ position and that mutants should attain equality “by any means necessary” (DUH Malcolm X lol). Though they both strive for the same goal… they believe that the road that needs to be traveled to attain that goal should be different. Though I do have a slight issue with the “black struggle” being crafted as entertainment in the form of a comic book by people that were not necessarily familiar with the struggle… I am not focusing on its flaws… I shall save that for another time… But come on… You see it, you know my comparison isn’t too far fetched… lol.

So that basically sums up why X-Men is my #1. As a child I felt like an odd ball and I would find myself relating to the mutants feelings of alienation… But even though being “weird” is the cool thing nowadays (I shall blog about this later) not only as an oddball, but as an African-American I am able to connect to the comic on so many different levels… and though I realize now that these feelings that the mutants showed were not really expressive of how “my people” felt, and were more or less how the people that were not directly affected by the struggle thought how the people that were directly affected felt… I still find myself able to relate to the X-Men characters. Okay, I’m done *opens up Uncanny X-Men and daydreams of the day when the X-men and my people will attain equality…it has been a 45+ year fight for the mutants… a couple centuries for the coloreds*

*No I have not gone to the midnight screening of all of the X-Men movies… I went to the first one, and my heart ached because it was so horrendous… So from now on I just stick to DVD releases*

Graffiti is one of the few tools you have if you have almost nothing... (c) Banksy

...And even if you don't come up with a picture to cure world poverty you can
make someone smile while they're having a piss

A few new "alleged" Banksy pieces popped up in London... For those that don't know, I'm kind of obsessed with him. I even named my comp Banksy Lee (yes I name my electronics... JUDGE ME NOT!) Don't know who he is? INFORMATIZE yourself HERE lol

Just let go... (c) Toni Braxton

So it was a week ago today that the Kanye West/Taylor Swift fiasco occurred at the VMA's... I didn't even waste my time writing a post on my thoughts... Those that wanted my comment received more than what they bargained for when they asked my opinion... So I didn't want to bore you all with my jibber jabber. Well, after a week of nonstop "imma let you finish but..." jokes I think it's time to let this one go guys... I'm not gonna lie, the first 25+ jokes were great, but all great things must come to an end. But don't worry, I'm not gonna just cut you off. If for some reason you're having an off day and need to relive the hilariousity that was Kanye losing his mind... just check out THIS WEBSITE it's sure to bring a smile to your face...

Here's a lil something Bill Maher included in his monologue about Yeezy on Real Time w/Bill Maher this past Friday (skip to the 5:10-6:55 minute mark)


IWP is back!!! So I've decided to alternate between IWP (Irresponsible White Person Wednesday) and DBW (We Gotta Do Better Wednesdays) sooo I'm starting off this alternation with a classic IWP...


Now Rush is quite popular for saying his fair share of ridiculousness... Which makes you wonder why I haven't posted him a LONG time ago... Well, I think he was just BEGGING for me to give him his shine, so he went out of his way to be extra ignorant... Well, you get what you ask for Rush... Coons come in all race's people.