Based Nerdom Online Radio by BasedNerds

Bet y'all never even knew about this here podcast lol. <—- The first and ONLY show.

….Me thinks a comeback is in order. :)

Finally getting tatted!

Finally came up with what I wanted…. Now I need to figure out where I want to put it. It encompasses a few of the things that I love about life… Art, expression, design, music… I shall unveil it to you all soon enough ;-)


Philip Olsson, dominant design :)

I enjoy controlled loneliness. I like wandering around the city alone. I’m not afraid of coming back to an empty flat and lying down in an empty bed. I’m afraid of having no one to miss, of having no one to love.
— Kuba Wojewodzki, Polish journalist and comedian.   (via seulray)


Got some new things coming… Mostly quotes, lyrics, convos and art. A lot more personal this go round. Gonna try this being more transparent thing out for a spin, see how it looks on me ;-).

My friends have no chill.

PC:I just told Mia that I would totally take a chance and ruin my family by having Obama's illegitimate bastard kid
I would totally do that.
TC:me too!
lil smart ass, overachieving baby
PC:It's sad but I would just be like oh well. He's have to have me pushed down some stairs cause I'd have it
TC:hell yeah
hell yeah, I'd have no regrets....and you know Barack is fire in bed....prolly sang to you....then drop them drawers to reveal a fat ass penis, then he got swag so is stroke game is on point, deep ass sexy voice in your;d be fun concieving then a investment later....haleloooooooooo
PC:I'm trying to send an email and midway, I started laughing at you
I really gotta stop reading your chats before getting on the phone or doing important things
PC:no seriously
I was about to respond to someone and bust out with HAHAHAHA!
just out of the blue cause you said "fat penis"
TC:and I was too serious
TC:look, just don't get me started talkin about B, because it will ALWAYS come down to me imagining myself smanging him. The topic matters not...welfare = gutta, "I owe you" bomb sex.....iraq = lemme put a dashiki on your head and treat you like a whore sex, taxes = sex so fire I feel like I need to compensate him, middle class = super fire ass head, followed my ridiculous sex, women's rights = my right to a ridiculous mind blowing orgasm, Teacher's unions = him teaching me all these nasty ass moves, and finally imigration reform = him running for the border of my panty line tryna give me some more great head
"middle class = super fire ass head"
I can't with you
your love for B is unmatched
I like need him in my life
Why are my friends so ratchet? Lol

I'm the one that jaded you (c) Aerosmith

With friends like these who needs to believe in love? Smh. Clearly having friends like Brandon will have me jaded for life! Lol
Brandon:u gotta show me how to realy play my piano
me:you say this all the time
Brandon:and u never do
whos a shitty friend
me:because you're in DC
can't help you
Brandon:u was all like i skype this guy here and show him
me:but that's not effective
me:I show him how I made the piano riffs for his beats
Brandon:uh huh
u dont do nothign for me is all im saying
me:well I will when you move
Brandon:well i know u will then...
you dont try to assist at all now though
we gotta make inroads now
me:I do, I sent you links and stuff
Brandon:links to what?
me:wutev, it'll give you more incentive to move
for tips on how to learn and stuff
Brandon:haha, u aint shit mia
me:I'm aware.
me:but you still love me
Brandon:whatever do better for u
u asked me to write something...i did
Brandon:buts its cool cause u right..i aint gone stop dealing wit u...i like u dare i say love u too much at this point
i aint got no leverage
me:I'd told you a mill times I'd give you skype lessons
Brandon:un huh, well anyway, new subject
Brandon:so, i think im more open to being remarried
i feel like if i look at shorty as a first wife, then its not as much pressure to make sure she perfect now
u know ..i just need her to be close enough
and then as we grow she can improve
and if she dont
i look for wife #2
basically...long term dating with a tax benefit
obviously, im going to need u to draft a couple pre-nups for me
me:ugh, I don't even feel like entertaining this convo right now
as long as you pay me lol
Brandon:love and hugs
all day boo
me:nah bro, that ain't gon work... You're wanting me to draft up a doc because you're actively planning on your marriage not being definite when you know I'm a sucker for love. You'd have to pay me handsomely for that.
Brandon:mia i ever tell u id marry u
u keep me entertained
me:you have shared this with me
Brandon:oh i have
dont do that
u always play dumb
you have!
It would never work because you're not affectionate and you'd cheat on me lol
we've discussed this
Brandon:thats not true
id be right
i dont cheat on everyone
me:uh huh
i dont
and i hug u
i was thinking last nite as i was watching barack do his thing and be great and all that
....i really would love to see mias vagina
i have to figure out a way to see it soon
me:Barack and my vagina should not be in the same plane of thought. But ok. Not gonna happen
Brandon:greatness mia
I'm sure this is Brandon's idea of romance lol.

The Male/Female friendship dynamic...

Bia:so important question:
Are you planning on asking your girl to marry you in the next year? 6 months?
Nig:definitely before end of 2013, most likely summer/early fall
Nig:haha, why the sigh?
Bia:cause it seems so final
like death, taxes and marriage
and we barely hang out now... when you have a fiancee, all hoes in your life will be relegated to ex hoes
i'm just saying its going to be sad to be an ex hoe
Oh bia
relegated = good word
Nig:but you're not an ex hoe
Bia:in your future fiancees eyes
all women are hoes... soon to be ex hoes
i dont think you will be allowed to have girl besties.
you're not even allowed to have them now
Bia:you're going to meet her soon
Nig:i want to do a housewarming
Bia:but when bia and I come to your apartment with freakum dresses on and red lipstick, pretending on being dressed to go out after the housewarming, she will take one look at us and forbid you
you underestimate how sexy i can be
and we all know bia is a harlot
me:Well bia he does have to let you go
that's why the whole male/female friend dynamic is complicated
I lose respect for my guy friends if they get a girl that they like and still are wreckless
I don't want them to stop being my friend. But lets keep it real. Men are rarely friends with females that they aren't sexually attracted to.
But a good friend in that situation knows their place, steps back and lets their friend have a shot with their boo thang. Cause dudes are simpletons... and unless they're friends with ugly chicks there's always gonna be that line that could possibly get crossed. Heck, even ugly chicks ain't safe if some dude's dun had a couple drinks
Bia:i mean this I know
nig is the one thats in denial
me:he is
you just want him to fess up to it
and he isn't
why can't dudes just be real?
and I hate that Nig can't just level with me
in his girls eyes I'm a former bustdown
me:You'd respect him more if he could just be honest. You already know the deal
Bia:especially if she knows our history
me:he just doesn't understand that
either way Evan is losing
because if his girl DOESN'T know you all's history then he's not being honest with wifey
and if she DOES know y'alls history then she probably isn't comfortable with y'all being friends
talking about just come and act right
can't have it both ways nig
we too old for that sh*t.

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build’em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

— Rudyard Kipling

Make new friends/But keep the old?!?

I was recently reminded about some correspondence I had with a guy I was talking to before I left Ohio to move to Chicago. It went like this….

  • September 8, 2010
    • :-p

      I went to ask your opinion on the “Thor” trailer and saw we weren’t friends anymore lol. BAH HUMBUG! Hope all is well smile

  • September 11, 2010
    • Agent Mia my friend. I am good, we are still buds. You were a civilian casuality in a battle of principle btwn me and my significant other. Please send me the thor trailer. I am preparing for my audition to play Green Lantern John Stewart. How have you been?

  • September 14, 2010
    • Lol it’s cool… I totally understand. Trailer is sent. 

I pretty much thought that was the cutest most respectable thing ever. Mind you this guy and I had gone on nothing more than a couple dates… But ole girl put her foot down, and he obliged her. I know most dudes woulda even gone so far as to tell their SO that they sent the message but still would’ve been hitting the person up. I haven’t talked to him since then… But since we roll in similar circles I hear that him and ole girl are still together! :) I’m a firm believer that it’s necessary in MOST cases to cut all ties with the past… No matter how trivial it may seem, in order to give the future a true shot… So shout out to this dude. I mighta missed out on a winner!


Him:i told u i saw lloyd in the mall once
in atl right?
Me:lol no
Him:when he had the hair
i thought it was the baddest bitch
cause i saw him from the back
and he had these tight ass jeans on
it was all bad
horrible experience
i was with my sister
and she was like eww
Him:yeah its funny now
it was like the crying game when it happened though