Originality is the art of concealing your sources (c) Benjamin Franklin

So yesterday I put out an SOS on twitter because I had absolutely NO ONE to go see Inception with at midnight and I have been waiting for this movie to be released for well over a year… Luckily for me, someone answered my call (thanks Lisa!)… So, we decide to meet up at the Loews on 600 N. Michigan and I get there a little early because I wanted to grab something to eat…. I am on the phone talking to @KappaGamerGuy16 and this cop stops me and says “Excuse me Miss, you’re walking on set.”  I would’ve been confused as to what set this officer was talking about but then I remembered that I had received THIS…

last week from my job via email…. I felt so dunce… I saw all these cars that looked like they had been set on fire, and these random semi-truck’s… It didn’t even hit me!  I took some pics… But I am sad to report that their were NO SIGNS of Shia or real Transformers… Lol… Anyway, enjoy the pics! :)

Back to what this post was ORIGINALLY about *I have a really hard time staying on track….* INCEPTION!  The movie did not disappoint… I am a Christopher Nolan STAN… In a day and age where EVERY movie coming out is in some way shape or form a remake… Whether the original be a book, classic movie, short story, etcetera it is refreshing to have a unique story line… Though I know nothing is truly ever original… Every idea comes from somewhere… This movie is the closest thing I’ve seen to an original script in a good while.  Christopher Nolan has you all up in your mental mind in this one lol… The special effects were top notch (yay for no 3-D… it was visually stimulating WITHOUT having to rely on it), the fight scenes were great… I am indeed pleased!  I’m sure people will say that Mr. Nolan was trying too hard to be “profound” but I truly believe that the movie can be enjoyed on a surface level as well as on a deeper one… I will without a doubt see it again! :)

**There was a guy with a Tri-pod sitting DIRECTLY in front of us in the theater…  Because of this Lisa said that I am not allowed to pick the theater anyone :(

*** I can’t wait to see “Due Date” with Robert Downey Jr. AND Zach Galifianakis :) 

If you ask me I'm ready... (c) Alicia Keys

In fact... I've BEEN READY for my dearest friend Abu to start up his blog... He has done several posts on HurtMEEZYSoul that several people have hit me up about... Well, lucky for you he is doin his own thing and you will be blessed with his coonerific intellectualisms on the regular... I will keep you abreast of when the site launches... but for now just enjoy the sweetness that is the blog's header :)

I love you, but I love myself more (c) Samantha

Sex and the City 2 trailer...

I think I'm the only SATC fan that is NOT thrilled about this movie coming out... *sigh* just let SATC be great! It just needs to die... From this trailer the movie does not look promising... I'm gonna see it, but I think this go round, I'm going to be sadly disappointed. I will work on paying less attention to the plot... and more attention to the fashion! :)

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense... (c) Alice

...Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

So everyone that knows me knows that I'm obsessed with Tim Burton (so sad that I can't go to his exhibit at MoMA... I wish I had friends that were as down for ridiculousness as me so that I didn't have to bare all the expenses lol), and I have been waiting for this movie to come out FORR EEVVV ERRR (c) The Sandlot... Not because I thought that it would be a cinematic masterpiece... (I mean Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was disappointment enough) but mostly because I just loveeeee the look of Tim Burtons films... They're so dark and dreary, but so yet so lively... such visual contradictions and I love the goth undertones... Anyway, the movie was ok... It suffered a lil plot-wise... HELENA BONHAM CARTER totally upstaged Johnny Depp which was a pleasant surprise... between the White Queen's floating hands and Professor Snape... I mean Absolum the Blue Caterpillar lol I was thoroughly entertained... The wardrobe ROCKED and I LOVED the way Stayne seemed to move in freeze frame motions... Anywho, enough with the nerd I've read too many film books so I am too into the meticulous aspects of a film review... The score was AMAZING! Danny Elfman did it again.... Sheez! Well, if you can't tell already I'm uber biased, so go see it for yourself! :-p

*Mia is the name of the actress that played Alice in real life... coincidence? I think not... The character and I have striking similarities lol

Just because I like torture...

All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness. (c) Eckhart Tolle

Below is the trailer for Tamara Davis' film about Jean-Michel Basquiat entitled: The Radiant Child. This documentary in its entirety was released February 21st and I have been trying to see it but haven't been successful. Hopefully I'll make it happen this weekend and give you a review :)... If you aren't lucky enough to have it in your city then check out netflix and add it to your que... It's on there! :)

There are no girls with good personalities... (c) American Psycho

David Van Patten: A good personality consists of a chick with a little hard body, who will satisfy all sexual demands without being too slutty about things, and who essentially will keep her dumb fucking mouth shut.
Craig McDermott: The only girls with good personalities who are smart or maybe funny or halfway intelligent or talented, though god knows what the fuck that means, are ugly chicks.
David Van Patten: Absolutely.
Craig McDermott: And this is because they have to make up for how fucking unnattractive they are.
*this pic is from one of my fav scenes of the movie

So the rumors have been laid to rest... American Psycho is officially becoming a musical! Duncan Sheik has signed on to write the score, no word on the cast... But I do know that playwright Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (one of the writers of the HBO hit show Big Love) is involved so I'm pretty pumped about that... Who knows when this in gonna hit the stage... But best believe I will be checking it out! If you aren't familiar check out Bret Easton Ellis' repertoire first... and THEN check out the movies... he is pretty much AMAZING!!!!

I wanna be Bella (c) Rhea A.

Twilight has become something like an obsession among the female persuasion. Rhea Alleyne repeatedly tells her boyfriend that she wants to be Bella (the lead female character in the series) and that he needs to work more on being like Bella's love interest Edward. Hands down, the Twilight epidemic is ruining relationships... Check out this woman's cry for help below...

Pretty funny

Getting lucky is a roll of the dice (c) Hue Rhodes

I'm soooo pumped for this film... I've been waiting for a while now and am happy to report that it will be released January 29th (limited of course) which means I won't have to wait much longer. Aren't familiar with it? It's kind of O Brother Where Art Thou-esque in the sense that it is loosely based on Dante's Inferno... Either way, it looks promising sooooo...CHECK OUT THE CLIPS BELOW. FYI...Spike Lee produced the film :)

Just because this song is awesome!



So it's that time again... I know you're pumped... Yup, it's mid month movie Monday! So, I was talkin to J over at (freshinsite.blogspot.com) and it got me thinking about this movie... I've loved this movie ever since my Mom introduced me to it at 8 years old. It was because of this movie that I fell in love with the amazing beauty that is the ASTON MARTIN (nope, it wasn't because I saw it in a Nelly video). Anyway, Alfred Hitchcock is a genius... If you aren't familiar with his repretoire do me a favor and at least check out Rear Window... Bottomline The Birds is an awesome movie; the special effects were cutting edge for the time and it's just a classic film.

Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn. (c) Gore Vidal

Sex And The City 2 Trailer... You know from my last post on SATC that I'm kind of ready for it to be over... but every time I look at their wardrobe's I fall back in love... *Pops in Season 6 to look at Carrie's infamous polka dot Paris dress... SEX in fabric form.* At this point I'm just watchin for the fashions... EFF the storyline lol

I wanna be Susan Downey (c) Bia

So, today was a RDJ day.... The Iron Man 2 trailer surfaced AND his interview on Inside the Actors Studio came on Bravo... I included both for you to enjoy below

I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THIS MOVIE! We all know I'm a Batman STAN but I mean Tony Stark is Marvel's version of Bruce Wayne so I have some love for him... Robert plays him to PERFECTION.

I only included this portion of the interview because I think it was the cutest thing. Me and my friend bia replayed it over and over again.... You can see how much he loves her all over his face, in the tone of his voice... it's just so beautiful. *sappy Mia done*

A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings... (c) Stanley Kubrick

...The theme, what's behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.

Here are a few films I'm PUMPED ABOUT!!

The full Alice in Wonderlanddddd trailer was released today! Tim Burton is like chicken soup for the soul... I love that weirdo and his many talents *hops off his testies now*

Christopher Nolan's Inception Movie Poster... Go to YourMindIsInTheSceneOfTheCrime.com 'NUFF SAID.

(Untitled)... A comedy poking fun of the state of contemporary art... Check out the site HERE

Robin Hood with Russell Crowe AND Cate Blanchett? YES PLEASE!

Mid Month Movie Monday!!

This movie is kind of like a thriller/drama/horror... It's a horror movie in the sense that is isn't as SCARY as it is just plain creepy. The movie centers around this odd relationship between a father and his two sons. The father believes that he has been appointed by God to kill demons... Demons being the "bad people of the world." He basically sees himself as a religious vigilante and he has his sons perform these deeds along with him. If I told you any more I would spoil the movie so CHECK IT OUT!!!! I promise you it's AMAZING!

It's been a long time/I shouldn't have left you/without a dope (blog) to step to (c) Aaliyah

So this week has been filled with CRAZINESS! It was my Founders Week... SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY SoRHOr's EEE-Yip! So things were a little nuts... I left the Chi to kick it with my sands/neos/friends and had a BALL! I also got to hang out with J (freshinsite.blogspot.com) which was LONG overdue... But any who, enough with the "tools for the incompetent"... I shall not leave you like that again...

Here's Phonte from Little Brother's Movie in a Minute *Special Edition* on the film Good Hair... I almost couldn't breathe when he started talking about "dick weave." But like with most things Phonte' discusses, there is a great message amidst all the hilarity...ENJOY! :)

The Alice and Wonderland extended trailer made me cum in ways that you never have... (c) Bia

...hope you step your f*cking game up. My best friend is such a nasty, skanky whore. I'm sorry that I'm not a lesbian and you can't have me! Please don't take your sexual frustrations out on me :-p

I SOOOOOOO put this clip up BEFORE she started patronizing me... Anywho, enjoy the extended trailer of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.. May your orgasm be as plentiful as mine was upon finishing this for the first time.

Alice in Wonderland - Extended Trailer