The holy grail is to spend less time making the picture than it takes people to look at it. (c) Banksy

So I am mildly obsessed with Edgar Mueller... For those that don't know he is a 3D street artist and I have been following him for YEARS! I was very surprised when I realized that I had never posted about him... Anywho, here is some of his amazing pieces of his artwork

Watch him work...

Do Better Wednesdays!

Tecora Brown

The 73 year old Ms. Brown was charged with first-degree racketeering and second-degree theft by extortion on April 21st in Superior Court. Yeah, you read right... Ms. Brown was "pimping"... LITERALLY. But get this, she was ratted out by her own son... smh. This truly is a sad story... The son allegedly found seemingly desperate girls from the internet by promising them that having sex for money would be very lucrative for them, and then forced them into prostitution...The prostitution ring also included a niece and a nephew of Tecora Brown... tisk, tisk. :(

Mid Month Movie Monday!!

This movie is kind of like a thriller/drama/horror... It's a horror movie in the sense that is isn't as SCARY as it is just plain creepy. The movie centers around this odd relationship between a father and his two sons. The father believes that he has been appointed by God to kill demons... Demons being the "bad people of the world." He basically sees himself as a religious vigilante and he has his sons perform these deeds along with him. If I told you any more I would spoil the movie so CHECK IT OUT!!!! I promise you it's AMAZING!

The way your dad looked at it, this watch was your birthright... (c) Captain Koons

.... He'd be damned if any of the slopes were gonna get their greasy yellow hands on his boy's birthright. So he hid it in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass. Five long years, he wore this watch, up his ass. Then when he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable piece of metal up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the watch to you.

So, I was wearing the shirt below today... and it got me thinking about some amazing skits/roles Christopher Walken was in...

Enjoy a few below..

More Cowbell skit that inspired my shirt...

Fatboy Slim vid for Weapon of Choice...

His reading of Lady Gaga's Pokerface

When you first had sex, were you happy or confused or both or what? (c) Spike Jonze

Kanye West and Spike Jonze's short 11 minute film entitled Welcome to Heartbreak was leaked yesterday... Even though it was supposed to go on sale on itunes sometime in September... Watch it while you can below.

A convo a friend and I had last night on what we think it's about...

J: i SO did not get that film! lol

Me: I dunno...I kind of took it as Kanye "ridding himself of his demons" by putting them to rest (I.e. killing them)

J: wow..idk HOW i missed that one lol..pretty obvious once u said that sluh english teachers would b pissed

Me: hahahaha. Darn private school kids... LAME.

J: u know i've never been challenged like that to make my own understanding from art since high school..but that u explained the obvious meaning i like the video

Me: I dunno if I'm a guess

J: naw..i think that's definitely what it kinda looked at him like "u gotta go"

Me: Oh poor Yeezy..I hope he kills that demon lol

J: yeah..needs to

Me: Maybe I'll watch it again tomorrow and analyze it again..Piano Sonata No. 14 at the end... that song will always give me chills :)
... ten minutes later...
Me: Ooooh I've got another analysis... He's kind of acting child-like
so maybe the demon was representing his inner child or something
and he was trying to kill that part of him... You know, how children have a constant need for attention... and go to crazy lengths to be noticed. And...Children have nightmares... lol. Or maybe that was Kanye acting drunk... he still seems to be resembling the speech patterns and actions of a child though... hmmm, bah well... I'm done.

What do YOU think the film was about? COMMENT.

OOOOOH AHHHH sock it to me (c) Missy E.

We Gotta Do Better Wednesdays...

So, I've been getting on Irresponsible White People (IWP's) on Wednesdays for quite some time... I figured it was time to switch it up a lil bit and put some of my people under the microscope (as if we aren't enough... I KNOW I KNOW). But SOME nigra's coonsatiable actions cannot SOLELY be blamed on "the man" (or can they..? Hmmm... POSSIBLY, lol)... and I am not the type of individual that defends the actions of my fellow coloreds when they are blatantly WRONG *see Boondocks episode The Trial of R. Kelly Season 1* for proof of what we as a people should NOT do. So DBW will shed light on people that need to take responsibility for the role that they play in their actions because they are setting us back... And for the first installment we have...

Darius Chappille

Mr. Chappille allegedly exposed himself on a plane to a passenger beside him, and then when the passenger didn't respond to him as he would've liked... He punched her in the face! After punching the passenger apparently Darius became even more irrate and began running down the aisle of the plane slapping multiple other passengers. When police had arrived to take Mr. Chappille into custody he was completely buck-ed naked.

I'm familiar with people having a fear of rejection but SHEEZ! This was sooo not ballin.


Michelle Belliveau

A Wisconsin man got caught up! He was planning on having a rendez vous with one of his lovers only to open the motel room door and see his wife plus three other females. Why is HE not the IWP this week? Oh, he definitely was in the running, but Michelle gets the title for having glued the mans penis to his stomach. Now all of the women are facing criminal charges. What's even more strange about this? All the women in the room were romantically linked to the man... EXCEPT Michelle... Odd....

And isn't it ironic/Dontcha think? (c) Alanis Morissette

Today in Gun Politics my prof decided to switch the syllabus around a lil bit. He announced that instead of having discussion we were going to go to the gun range to shoot AND watch Bowling for Columbine... Now for those of you that aren't familiar with the film there is a cartoon satire entitled A Brief History of the USA... WATCH IT BELOW

I found it funny that I was wearing this shirt today...

A lil rusty, but I still gots THE GLOW

The bullet that popped up and burned me on the arm

Just keep in mind the students in this class are 98.9% conservative. Needless to say I made the gun range instructor as well as some students uncomfortable... My prof commented on it and thought it was funny as well...Fun times :)

All television is educational television. The question is: what is it teaching? (c) Nicholas Johnson

Here are a few shows that I watch that are on cable... No, I do not like Entourage (I know I lose a lot of credibility here) but I tend to think that I have some decent taste in television shows. I have advised some of my friends to check out the shows that I have suggested below... I am just waiting for them to give me their opinions.. as soon as they do I will post their reviews... Good or bad. I didn't include all of the shows that I watch that are not on cable, or the ones that are no longer on the air... (Nip/Tuck, Arrested Development, Martin, Quantum Leap to name a few) but I will do that in a later post... I'm too lazy to do so right now...

A show that I will be checking out... I mean COME ON Zach Galifianakis+ Jason Schwartzman.. I'd be stupid NOT to see what it's about :-p
Season 1 Premieres in September on HBO

Season 1 Sundays at 10pm HBO... Episode 3 premieres today

Season 3 Premieres in the Fall... Showtime

Season 5 Showtime Mondays at 10pm on Episode 7

The Tudors Showtime... Season 4 coming next year :-/

True Blood HBO... Season 2 Sundays at 9pm... Episode 5 premieres today.

I don't have cable so I hit these shows up on YOU SHOULD TOO!

Life is like a box of chocolates... (c) Forrest Gump

... Or maybe more like an inhaler filled with chocolate?

Well, that is exactly what Le Whif is.. A new way to indulge.. so instead of EATING chocolate you literally inhale it. I dunno about this one folks... seems interesting to say the least. The website boasts about the fact that the treat is calorie free and also claims that whiffing this chocolate supplement will curve your appetite, but I don't see how... Normally when I'm hungry and I smell deliciousness around me, I just want to eat MORE. But maybe that's just me. I would more than likely take a whiff of Le Whiff and THEN head to Baskin Robbins for a Chocolate Blast (my obsession... see picture below of me with said crack. They don't sell them in Columbus so whenever I head back to the Lou BR is one of my first stops). Interested? Try and snag yourself some HERE... Hurr rup, it's sellin FAST!

Well, I mean, let's face it. You're not exactly normal, are you? (c) Vicki Vale

...It's not exactly a normal world, is it? (c) Batman

My homie Bruce has been gettin lots of love in these streets (yes he is named after Bruce Wayne... He is an ice BAT people... DON'T JUDGE ME!!!) So I decided to share with the world (the TWO readers of this blog lol)how you can attain one for yourself. I got my buddy Bruce from the comic book store Laughing Ogre *shout out to my fav employee Jeff* in Columbus, Ohio ions ago and I'm positive that they still sell ugly dolls there... But if you aren't in cbus your best bet is to head over to "The Ugly Shop" and cop one... I fell in love with these dolls as soon as I spotted them. I am a fan of things that aren't "conventionally" beautiful so I was immediately drawn to these supposedly "ugly" dolls (they're adorable aren't they?) If you happen to stop by the comic book store and see Jeff, tell him Mia says hello! :)

*When I was in Chicago a bus driver stopped me and asked if Bruce was the doll Obama's daughter was wearing on her bookbag. I had no idea what she was talking about... But thanks to google I found out that Obama's daughter was in fact sportin an ugly doll on her backpack... but NOT Bruce :-p

You's a nasty (nasty) Trashy (nasty) Sleazy (nasty) Classless (nasty) (c) Destiny's Child

Mia Washington was the mother of what appeared to be fraternal twins however, after a few months Mia began to notice that the twins had different facial features all together. She decided to get a professional's opinion and this expert verified Mia's concern. Her twins turned out to have two different fathers. Yup, it can happen folks.... This is some Maury mess right here... STRAIGHT UP SLUTERRIFIC! Check out the full article HERE. What made me even more upset is that they were interviewing Ms. Washington on the Today Show as if this was something that should be celebrated... Grrrrr.