Raymond Jackson

Mr. Jackson was recently charged with first-degree criminal abuse which is a felony that is punishable by five years to 10 years in prison. Why do you ask? Well, he decided it would be a good idea to allow his 2 year old step son to drink gin and iced tea. The child's mother, Amanda Jackson is equally irresponsible as well... for leaving her child in the care of someone that would even consider doing such a thing... SMH.


George Rekers
Mr. Rekers is a Baptist minister and anti-gay rights activist... He was recently caught with his own personal gay escort/prostitute in the airport. What was Mr. Rekers explanation you ask? "I had surgery...and I can't lift luggage. That's why I hired him." His medical problems didn't seem to stop him from pushing his baggage cart throughout the entire airport... SMH


Melinda Dennehy

Melinda, a High School English teacher in New Hampshire and mother of two got caught sexting... I mean, that's not all that taboo nowadays right? Yeah, unless... you're sexting with your STUDENTS. Yup, you read right. Ms. Dennehy got caught sending nudie pics to her students with her vajayjay and boobies exposed... She was released on bail and charged with a felony count of indecent exposure... NO MORE SEXTING! You will get got! Lol


Neil Golden

Don't know who Mr. Golden is...? Well please allow me to educate you. Mr. Golden is the President of Marketing at McDonald's. Still don't know why he earned this weeks spot? Just turn on your tv... These coontastic McDonald's commercials are getting too out of hand. I thought it would stop at "McNugget lovin" but no... It can't stop, it won't stop, it doesn't even know how to stop (c) MLK (Return of the King Boondocks episode). But in all seriousness, those commercials make my heart hurt... I have NO IDEA why the McDonald's team collectively thought that they were a good idea. They just make me want Burger King (just like the T-mobile 'My Touch' commercials make me want an iPhone) and I'm sure that is NOT their aim. They SHOULDA talked to the team over at Old Spice... cause those "I'm a man" commercials are KILLIN the game right now! :)

PS Betcha didn't know this, but while I'm typing this blog right now...I'm on a horse.


John Mayer

John Mayer has caused quite the uproar with his interview in Playboy (specifically with black female's)... for this comment “My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I’ve got a Benetton heart and a fuckin’ David Duke cock. I’m going to start dating separately from my dick.” Well, I myself am not particularly offended… Hey.. this chocolate ain’t for everybody. However, I am not surprised that anyone who is unfamiliar with John Mayer’s dry sense of humor were more than likely shocked at this comment. While I don’t think this is particularly “irresponsible” per se. I had to give him this weeks spot on buzz alone.

PS to all those black girls out there that are mad at John Mayer but have no problem doing the twerk team routine in the club when “Every Girl” comes on… What’s the difference? Oh I get it… because at least Young Money is promoting “diversity” in their promiscuity…to you I say… KILL YO SELF.


Paul Shirley

Paul earns his slot in this weeks spot for his comments on why he would not be donating to Haiti... He insisted that if Haitians would "use a condom once in a while" and stop building "shack-towns" then all of their problems would be solved. I am definitely sick to my stomach after reading this... Check out the full article HERE

Greg Oden

*tisk, tisk* Mr. Oden... You should've known better than to send "dick pics" to your jump offs... Now you gotta apologize and suffer the embarassment. You live you learn... Check out the pics for yourself



Isn't Mr. Lewis considerate? He is working on launching an all white basketball league in 12 cities some time this summer. Don't you worry Mr. Lewis doesn't discriminate when it comes to his bigotry (note the irony) his league will also not be open to individuals that were not born in the United States. Why is he so passionate about this business venture? Well Lewis said he wants to "emphasize fundamental basketball instead of 'street-ball' played by "people of color.'"... Such diligent work this man is doing... Someone HAS to put him on a stamp *vomits in my mouth a little bit...* Check out the full article HERE


While I'm sure Ms. Montag has earned this title several times over... This week she has been blogged about by moi because she compared her new album which is appropriately titled Superficial to Michael Jackson's Thriller... Anything for attention... It just pains me that she's famous for... well nothing. But hey, she isn't the first... I don't find comfort in knowing that lol.


Kordeza Zhelyazkova

My Mom was worried that I still played with my American Girl dolls and X-Men action figures at 13... Then others politely brought it to her attention that I could be like little miss Kordeza and have a real life "American Girl" to play with... My Mom decided that me playing with dolls wasn't so bad after that...

Kordeza is an 11 year old girl that just gave birth to a daughter by the name of Violeta... The babies father/Kordeza's fiance' whom is 19, faces six years in jail for having sex with a minor..When asked about her new bundle of joy the new mother said..."I'm not going to play with toys any more - I have a new toy now." Hmmm a toy? I guess that's one way to look at it...


Steve Phillips

Keep your mistresses in check people! Apparently this advice was given too late for ESPN analyst Steve Phillips who is currently caught up in the latest adultery scandal. Mr. Phillips was caught cheating with 22 year old Brooke Hundley. He attempted to end the relationship, unfortunately for him Brooke sent a letter to Mrs. Phillips explaining their rendez vous in very specific detail, including the birthmark on his naughty parts.

Mrs. Phillips has since filed for divorce. Sad, but kind of funny nonetheless. Brooke had to super bitterrrrrr to send that letter. Now I suppose all parties lose in the situation.


IWP is back!!! So I've decided to alternate between IWP (Irresponsible White Person Wednesday) and DBW (We Gotta Do Better Wednesdays) sooo I'm starting off this alternation with a classic IWP...


Now Rush is quite popular for saying his fair share of ridiculousness... Which makes you wonder why I haven't posted him a LONG time ago... Well, I think he was just BEGGING for me to give him his shine, so he went out of his way to be extra ignorant... Well, you get what you ask for Rush... Coons come in all race's people.


Michelle Belliveau

A Wisconsin man got caught up! He was planning on having a rendez vous with one of his lovers only to open the motel room door and see his wife plus three other females. Why is HE not the IWP this week? Oh, he definitely was in the running, but Michelle gets the title for having glued the mans penis to his stomach. Now all of the women are facing criminal charges. What's even more strange about this? All the women in the room were romantically linked to the man... EXCEPT Michelle... Odd....


Jutin Barrett

Mr. Barrett earns the title this week for sending a mass e-mail in which he referred to Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. as a "banana-eating jungle monkey." But don't worry, he apologized... and said he's not a racist so it's all good. Check out the apology below...

I feel as though Justin Barrett should share this title with his lawyer... Who is claiming that "Officer Barrett did not call professor Gates a jungle monkey or malign him racially. He said his behavior was like that of one. It was a characterization of the actions of that man." That is one of the weakest arguments i've heard in a LONGGGGG time. HOT MESS!