Is there one? (c) The Usher at church asking visitors when the doors of the church open

First I’d like to give honor to the Most High (Snoop Dogg), the members of the pulpit, the pastor, his wife, his mistress, the mother of the church, and all the saints and sinners in the audience. I am here today to ask for your prayers.

I am about to endure one of the bravest tests of character and faith a person can endure. I feel like Daniel headed into the lion’s den. I feel like David preparing to fight Goliath. I feel like Job getting ready to ... well, Job kinda got effed over because he got caught in the middle of a bet, but you know what I mean.

I’m boycotting the NFL this season, even though I know it probably won’t work.

It seems antithetical to a profit-making venture, but it is true. The NFL has created a business model where its profits are not dependent on how many people consume the product. Even if people stop watching, the NFL makes the same amount of money. Here’s how it works.

The vast majority of NFL revenue comes from television rights, which are paid in advance. In 2014, CBS, NBC and Fox agreed to pay $3.5 billion every year for the rights to air NFL games on network television through 2023. DirecTV will kick in an additional $1.5 billion per year until 2022. Disney pays $2 billion per year to air games on ESPN and ABC. threw in $50 million to air games, along with foreign rights holders, who pay $500 million. The NFL network also makes around $1.2 billion from various affiliates.

That means the league will still make close to $9 billion from television rights this year, even if not a single soul tunes in to a football game. The NFL won’t even have to look at these deals until years from now. The checks are already cut. That’s a lot of tithes and offerings, church.

The rest of the NFL’s revenue comes from licensing, merchandising and sponsorships. Like the television deals, these contracts are made far in advance and are not dependent on ratings or ticket sales. In fact, every owner in the NFL knows they will make a profit regardless of how many tickets they sell. The only other venture that makes money without having to deliver results is ... well ... this one. The church.

I know... I know.... Television networks don’t even care about the ratings. The NFL brand is so powerful that the television networks don’t even care about the ratings. Last year the league’s ratings fell 8 percent, but advertising revenue increased! That’s because with a limited number of available ad slots, networks force companies to outbid one another for commercials. It’s kinda like when the church isn’t full, so the deacons ask you to dig deep into your pockets for the building fund. It’s the oldest trick in the book.

I’m sure some of you out there in the pews are thinking, “So if a boycott won’t have an economic impact on the NFL, the owners or the networks, then why do it?”

Well, saints, there is a verse in the book of 4 Thessalonians that reads, “And lo, He said unto them: Sometimes a nigga hath to do what a nigga gotta doeth.” (That’s not the King James Version.)

This is the point of protest. When Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem, I’m sure he didn’t think police would see it and say, “You know what? I was going to shoot a black boy in the face tomorrow, but I changed my mind.” I’m sure that when Muhammad Ali refused to join the Army, he didn’t believe that the U.S. military would say, “Well, if Ali ain’t coming, maybe we should wrap this thing up.” In fact, Kaepernick’s protest didn’t have a single quantifiable impact on black lives.

But he started something.

Last season, on the biggest stage in all of sports, he forced commentators of every color to talk about inequality. They discussed it on every pregame show. Announcers debated it during the week on sports radio across the country. He opened the door for players in other sports to talk about it. High school football players imitated it. White soccer players did it.

Even though he doesn’t have a job in the NFL this year, they are still discussing him. Players who would never have taken such a bold stance are beginning to do it in his absence. Isn’t that what protest is about?

Most importantly, church, I’m doing this out of solidarity. There were people who participated in the Montgomery Bus Boycott who had never taken public transportation. They shuttled neighbors to work. They carried signs. They loved their neighbors as themselves. (I think I just made that up. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?)

Sometimes the reason our voices are ignored is that they can always find another Negro to point at who is cool with riding in the back of the bus. I don’t think those people are sellouts. Maybe it’s more comfortable on the back of the bus than walking 5 miles to work. It’s a long walk. Maybe his or her feet hurt. Maybe he or she is tired.

Aren’t we all tired?

Turn to your neighbor and say, “I ain’t tired yet.”

That’s why I’m not watching NFL football this year. It’s going to hurt me, but one of our problems is that we think resistance should be easy. We think progress can be achieved through social media memes instead of tired feet and sweaty necks. We think change is supposed to come without bruised knuckles and bloody skulls. It doesn’t work that way.

I am not under the illusion that if every black person stops watching the NFL, Colin Kaepernick will get a job. I don’t even think the owners, the commissioner or the networks care whether black people watch or not. It will not affect their bottom line at all. There probably aren’t enough people willing to do this to have any measurable impact on the most powerful sport in the world.

But once, while sitting in these same pews, I heard a story about a little boy named David who managed to kill a giant by himself. I bet after he killed that giant and everyone was giving him high-fives and buying him shots of Hennessy, someone asked him how he knew he would kill Goliath. Was it because he heard a loud booming voice? Was it because David prayed more than the rest of them? Did he know he’d win because his faith was stronger than everyone else’s? I always imagine David turned to that person, put down his Henny and said:

“Win? I had no idea whether I’d win or not. I just knew I had to fight.”

May Dogg bless you all.


Word to Michael H.



Raymond Jackson

Mr. Jackson was recently charged with first-degree criminal abuse which is a felony that is punishable by five years to 10 years in prison. Why do you ask? Well, he decided it would be a good idea to allow his 2 year old step son to drink gin and iced tea. The child's mother, Amanda Jackson is equally irresponsible as well... for leaving her child in the care of someone that would even consider doing such a thing... SMH.

I am the stone that the builder refused (c) Asheru

SEASON 3 of The Boondocks debuted last night and twitter was POPPIN! I had to watch it twice because I was so busy tweeting that I missed the satirical subtleties that makes The Boondocks so prolific... I was more than pleased with the season debut and I can't wait for more... I'm like a FIEND! What makes The Boondocks so ingenious is that even the people that the show pokes fun of are fans of it... I hope that it forces some of those people to look at themselves critically... That would be pretty sweet! Lol.

Do Better Wednesdays!

Tecora Brown

The 73 year old Ms. Brown was charged with first-degree racketeering and second-degree theft by extortion on April 21st in Superior Court. Yeah, you read right... Ms. Brown was "pimping"... LITERALLY. But get this, she was ratted out by her own son... smh. This truly is a sad story... The son allegedly found seemingly desperate girls from the internet by promising them that having sex for money would be very lucrative for them, and then forced them into prostitution...The prostitution ring also included a niece and a nephew of Tecora Brown... tisk, tisk. :(

Do Better Wednesdays!

So this week we have a DBW nomination from your favorite guest blogger Abu!!! Enjoy! :)

The Rise of The Fonzworth Bentley Douche!!!
(lawyer by day, black socialite by night!!)

dun dun, dun dun duuunnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Scene: November 2008. A glorious Barack Hussein Obama takes his place amongst a raucous crowd in Chicago, Illinois. His opponent, John McCoo...I mean McCain has just conceded defeat. Many say that this moment was a culmination of the blood, sweat, and tears set forth by the sufferings of a downtrodden people. Sacrifices of soul and even life by the likes of Malcolm X, W.E.B. Dubois, and Dr. Martin Luther (tha) King Jr. I say, “no way”. The source of the Obamhemian’s, (walk with me, I’m trying out new nicknames for the President), power came from the one group that supported BHO since day 321, after the Iowa Caucus when they thought he may have a chance to win. The standard bearer for what is seemingly “right” with black folk, (according to their own world), the spirit of what a mind is when it is not wasted terribly, The Walking Epitome of “Obamabot”, the one, the only....”Fonzworth Bentley” douche!!!!

The Fonzworth Bentley Douche walks amongst us all. He’s your brother that went to Morehouse, your sister that went to Spelman, your cousin that attends Ohio State law school, yo’ potna out of SMU. Black Collegiate Ga..I mean, some members of nationally recognized historically black fraternities and sororities, you are included too. Even Cousin Jeff, Stephen A. Smith, and Roland Martin lay claim to this prestige fraternity.

I know what many of you are thinking. “What is this fool talking about? What exactly is a Fonzworth Bentley douche?”. I enlisted the help of my favorite magazine, GQ, to help me out with just this description.

“Is it possible to be in the International Leadership Program while also being president of Alpha Phi Alpha while also getting all militant about the white power structure while also promoting a biweekly hip-hop showcase? Yes? Then you're just barely keeping up with the status quo at Morehouse—good luck getting into Yale Law!

Affectations: Yellow V-neck sweater with orange-and-blue bow tie; box-seat double date to Coldplay show at Philips Arena.

Most likely to: Be a lawyer by day, black socialite by night.”

(waiting for gasps to subside). Yes, many of you have either come in contact with, or met this exact douchebag. And if you are in denial of this person’s existence, then you my friend, are that douchebag. But never fret, I am here to help you all and set the record straight on how to identify and deal with this concerning epidemic that has swept our communities.

This nuisance’s form is very subtle. There are a couple of common factors in identifying the FB douche, no it’s not clothing although I am seeing a trend of cardigan sweaters, skinny jeans, flannel shirts, and bow ties popping up in correlation with our subject. The main identifier of this clan is a college education and the aroma of entitlement that has seemingly come with it. Many of the FB douches believe that their degree has given them knowledge beyond their years. They feel that critical thought is but an obstacle in the way of what is truly important: looking right more so than actually being right. All the FB douche has to do, is sound righteous, say a bible quote, and have three friends that co-sign and wa-lah, they are correct in their ways. Proof be damned! Their degree is a virtual skeleton’s key into the myriad of subject matter that the world has to offer, from politics, to sports; bio-molecular engineering, to economics, this former political science major knows it all! A virtual Leonardo Da Vinci, in the many aspects of life they “know”.

You darn right, “stack dat cheese”. In the eyes of the FB douche, “we all need to do better” BET, the hood, and Vh1 included, eventhough they continually watch both television networks faithfully and never graced the hood in their collective lives. “Keeping it real” is so much of a priority that by watching rap videos, and hearing about “the struggle” from their friends, the FB douche convinces themselves into a want to move to the “hood” and live amongst people, whom he/she never interacted with in life. Or, worse yet, live in the suburbs and actually come to the hood and try to kick it! Now that’s keeping it gangsta! (well until you get your graduation gift broken into or become impregnated by big mookie from Stone Road, who hasn’t had a job since been had a job).

The FB douche feels that by dressing nice, being involved in black only campus activities, and dialoguing to death, the world will become a better place.

Forget the fact that a degree is only a door opener and what you do once you’re inside that door depends on you, the FB douche believes that the more degrees you get, the more of the building you own regardless of effort.

It is the FB douche that can impressively tweet the state of the union play by play and the BET Awards all on one blackberry, but yet never read a newspaper about current events not pertaining to Obama. It is the FB douche that can join organizations galore and show that they do have the capacity to be multi-faceted but yet counteract that by only joining groups that are within the same social realm. It is the FB douche, who can be the most divisive to their own people that they claim to want to “help” by continuing look down upon and talk about the people in those very hoods but never take the opportunity to actually talk to those who are in the struggle as opposed to assuming that “their plight is of their own fault”. It is these very same souls who have mocked those who chose to walk in their own skin and collude with all walks of life regardless of skin tone because in fact, that is how the world really works. It is the Fonzworth Bentley douche that “has to do better”......

I wish America had universal health care (c) Edo G

Sorry, Edo G... Keep wishing... But things are definitely happening in regards to health care in the US...

So unless you were under a rock you know that the health care bill has passed... I found a LOT of interesting correspondence on this... One of the most interesting articles that I've read this far you can find HERE.. It discusses how the health care bill could possibly affect communities of color...

Imagine how much you can get done if you eliminated social networking sites from your routine ... (c) J. Yon

Though I myself am a compulsive tweeter I definitely could appreciate that my fav coon Abu was saying in the post below, though I am saddened by his decision to leave the twitter world, I respect him taking the necessary steps to make himself a more productive individual... I MISS YOU COON BU! Is social networking hindering you? Check out my friends take on such activities below....

“nah nah nah, nah. nah nah nah, nah. hey hey hey. goo-ood byyyyeeeeeeeeee” (Jay-Z voice)

(Nappy fro frock, black horn rimmed glasses, five o’clock shadow) awh, awh!

(scene: Press Conference. A room of about 75-80 people. In front row sits, my mother, my two little brothers, @jeorgiaQue, @kiarafaith. @BlackDelRio, @ainslee6s the one who introduced me to twitter. @iamnotajerk, @KNGSRW. My blog sister @hurtmeezysoul. “the league” @HeSoNoble_s @MrRiddickulous (ly long twitter name). @SunSunSunny @SamIsTruth. Political advisor @ldot and many more twitter dignitaries to numerous to mention, (and many of whom I could not possibly remember. @thegreatone1 approaches the podium.)

*clears throat* Thank you all for attending this press conference in such short notice. I am going to try to keep this as brief and to the point as humanly possible and allow you to move on in the RT of life. There has been much speculation to my whereabouts and apparent absence from twitter and in life in general (which is strange considering I still have viable means of communication on my person at all time.)

There have been many rumors out there that have ranged from “me taking a break” to “giving up twitter for lent” to even the infamous “me being kidnapped by Al Queda and being forced to wear Reebok and Adidas gear”. The outpour of concern has been tremendous during this time from what I am hearing from various sources. I am humbled to say the very least and before I make my announcements on my whereabouts I would like to say Thank you to you all. (crickets crickets). I am truly humbled by the support of my 36 followers, the subsequent 52 followers that RT me and all other observers of the “Legend of ‘bu”. With that being said, here is what you all have been waiting for..(cameras flashing....*dramatic pause* *clears throat*)

I am formally announcing my abrupt retirement from twitter and the subsequent release of the name @thegreatone1 and all of it’s subsidiaries. (*gasp, gasp* *flash bulb pops.* *crowd mumbling* *baby crying* *more flash*).

(waits for crowd to settle)

(holds back tears)

Although it hurts my heart to do so, I must move on from this world I created for myself in this short amount of time. A world that was helped, in part by the participation of you, my followers. “The funny” that was created by myself could not have been possible without you. Now many asks, “what does leaving twitter have to do with growth? It’s not, or shouldn’t be, that serious”. If that was a sentiment truly shared I don’t believe that you would be at this imaginary press conference right now, but I digress. #shotsfired

This is serious in my growth because I took note of something during my 1st absence in November of ’09: Each time I took seconds, and even in some cases, minutes, to come up with a clever one liner about Mr. White Man, or a Music Monday that was so obscure that only an old disc jockey could remember, I was taking time and creative energy away from doing something more productive with my ideas and thoughts. There were individual processes in my life that needed my mind’s energy and attention more so than 140 characters of mindless dribble. And trust folks, using your mind at any time for any purpose, even in jest, takes mental energy. Test my theory before you cluelessly blurt out an uneducated response please. While I was taking time to pull out my blackberry to talk about the big heauxs to my left, I could’ve taken that same time to walk over and talk to the young lady to the right of me. Or I could’ve been using that same 76 seconds on writing out my thoughts on possible ways to improve my savings rate. Little things like that. You’re only aloud but so much energy in a given period of time. I want to make the best use of mine.

What was also being loss was patience when reading some of the people I follow. Granted, twitter is for the masses, to be enjoyed by all. Yes, even the “squares”. However, twitter just became repetitive and unoriginal even down to the trending topics and the play by play of *insert award show here*. What was beginning to fade was the creativity and excitement that I once looked forward to everytime I hit refresh. Yes my tweet hand swung sckrong, however I needed to be entertained as well and I wasn’t. It became wack trending topic here, emo tweet there. “You spelled a word wrong on twitter” here and “such and such is not with Obama, he racist” there. It seemed as though the more and more I hit refresh, the more and more the evidence of critical thought became extinct. It began to become pointless.

But I got what I asked for, it’s only 140 characters. Which brings me to my next point. The beginning of the end, which was how serious people took twitter. To me twitter should’ve been a fun place for social exchange instead of a pissing contest among those who wish to gain cool points in cyber world. You even had people not talking to each other off of what was said on twitter, you had threats typed through I-Phones for the world to see, thus creating the “tweet gangsta”. Everyone from comedians, to faux rappers, kufi poets, and blackberry philosophers giving their two cents about every subject under the sun without conviction even if they know nothing about the subject. Nothing is wrong with expression if you are willing to accept criticism and some argument for your opinion without calling someone a “hater” (default black word) or a jack ass, or worse, unfollowing them! *gasp*. From what I was seeing, twitter was creating cyber egos due to the amount of people that could “follow” and “cosign” the same things that they said and it became more apparent on my timeline daily. (note, don’t even come close to grouping me with the tweet egos. thanks a bunch).

Most importantly though, I felt that it was important for me to work on the time honored tradition of interpersonal communication which is becoming lost in our society. The art of “Hi, how are you doing?” is dying. With the advent of the internet, cellphones, and whatever other modern trappings you can think of, the world has become a place where things are becoming easier, but yet less personal. I am more than just a few characters and I would like for you to know that in person or even through my writings where I am allowed to waste about a page or three on twitter, instead of breaking up messages piece by piece until 15 tweets later....well, voila, you have my point. Twitter confined my wittiness and quick nature. It made me less talkative in public than what I already was, (which was minimal at best). Twitter was my security blanket during socially awkward times (as I told many before, I was texting no one, I either was on twitter or bubble breaker). The art of conversing was becoming lost with me and my creative nature was leaving right with it. So, to my old friend twitter, I say adieu. We had fantastic times indeed, but your child has grown into a man, and must do as men do. I will miss our child like innocence and long for the remembrance of those feelings, but these are the things that men do. We grow... #moremantears

Take care Tweetnesses (evil voice laugh) #tebowtear #nowplaying #ipodflow #yallniggaswannatrymecomewitit #stackdatcheese #remix #stackmocheese #poundinfrontofeverythingisay

And finally...


*reporters as for questions* *I walk toward the back interest.* hug my momma, hug my brothers, turn around, wave at the crowd, opens doors*

*Hiram Jerome Schwartz, Abu’s lawyer steps in to answer questions*

“All questions for my client can positioned toward myself or his e-mail

“No, he is not coming back”

“He is not on drugs”

“No, he is not a sex addict, (allegedly)

“No, no sir, there is not a deal in place with facebook or myspace”

“He stil dislikes the ‘I-Phonies’ but does have pMessenger, so you can contact him on there.”

“Mr. Whiteman is in total shock and from what I am told could not be consoled”

“We don’t really know what my clients next moves are, we were in discussions with the hurtmeezysoul blog and will be contact with Coonsrowe, I mean Kingsrowe on possible blog contributions, but my client really just wants to rest and go to the batcave”

“Alright that’s enough questions, thank you all for coming out”


So the Tea party-ers were out on Capital Hill protesting the passage of Healthcare reform (as usual). However, this time members of Congress were being called faggot and nigger, and some were even spit on. Representative James Clyburn said he had not witnessed such treatment since he was leading civil rights protests in South Carolina in the 1960s. SMH. We gotta do better.

To be loved.... Oh, what a feeling (c) Coming to America

... I know that's not where the original quote came from... but whenever I hear that song that is what I think of... I came across this card my bestest friend sent me while cleaning and it was right on time because I was feeling quite blah...

I'm feelin like posting some lyrics today lol.

I am heaven sent/Don't you dare forget/I am all you've ever wanted/What all the other girls are promised/Sorry I told./I just needed you to know.

Oh, the good girl/guy's anthem.... SHOUTOUT TO ROB LOVELL!! This was our SONG back in '03 (gotta love Freshman year in Stradley... 6th floor wha wha?!?!?!) I'm slowly becoming the old me again and no longer feeling sorry for myself... I'm "a catch" right Meezy's minions? This blog is becoming more personal than I expected... any who... Thanks for reading! Have I told you that I loved you today? :)

To banish cares, scare away sorrow and soothe pain is the business of the poet and singer. (c) Bodenstedt

This song is about snooping... Lol. Those that know me... Know why this is my post for the day... Check out the lyrics... it's a really sad song... But I love it so much! My ex sent this to me a lil bit ago.. smh

Artist: Alanis Morissette
Song Title: Your House

So today I spent all lunch period discussing Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill (JLP) with my coworker Luz... Let me elaborate.... So Luz and I were discussing how amazing and life changing Alanis' Jagged Little Pill album was... and we were discussing how the others after that just failed in comparison... We couldn't figure out why... Then finally come to the conclusion that it was because Alanis wasn't heartbroken anymore... It's sad, but true lol. though her other cd's weren't horrible... They just lacked the pure unfiltered passion that JLP had... I feel like Dave Coulier should get royalties or something because he helped her produce some good stuff (for those that don't know it's rumored that the cd chronlices Alanis' relationship with him... In particular the song You Oughta Know is allegedly written about Uncle Joey lol). Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that all good music has to come from a dark, depressed place... but in my opinion music lacking passion just isn't as enjoyable... and Alanis came out raw and emotion filled on JLP and just simmered down after that... these lovey dovey albums... Where's the angry heff at? BRING HER BACK. I know several people have had the same beef with Mary J. Blige. Her My Life album = Peerless... but when she fell back in love... The albums thereafter were not as life altering... It's so crazy that so many masterpieces have been a result of pain that the creators have endured... You know what's also crazy...? The fact that others expressing their pain can serve as a comfort to people that are hurting. Bah well, haven't had a rant for a while... So there ya go :)

We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves. (c) El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz

RIP Malcolm X

I think about this quote every time I wear my fro lol. For those that don't know, my hair is 100% natural (no creamy crack *cough, cough relaxer* for me!) and I LOVE it. While I know that I will never be the "ideal portrait" of beauty I have accepted that and realize that in the age of weave, photoshop, and masking imperfections I am beautiful despite the fact that I don't resemble any one on a magazine cover. To those that embrace and love my fro... Thank you! A super special thank you to those that don't... You guys challenge me to love myself for who I am on an even deeper level :).

Don't cry for me Argentina (c) Evita

This weekend was a rough one. But I learned a lot...

Bottomline, I'm an acquired taste... Sheryl Crow said it best...

God, I feel like hell tonight
Tears of rage I cannot fight
I'd be the last to help you understand
Are you strong enough to be my man?

Nothing's true and nothing's right
So let me be alone tonight
You can't change the way I am
Are you strong enough to be my man?

Lie to me
I promise, I'll believe
Lie to me
But please don't leave

I have a face I cannot show
I make the rules up as I go
Just try and love me if you can
Are you man enough to be my man?

When I've shown you that I just don't care
When I'm throwing punches in the air
When I'm broken down and I can't stand
Would you be man enough to be my man?

Lie to me
I promise, I'll believe
Lie to me
But please don't leave

...Can you handle it?


John Mayer

John Mayer has caused quite the uproar with his interview in Playboy (specifically with black female's)... for this comment “My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I’ve got a Benetton heart and a fuckin’ David Duke cock. I’m going to start dating separately from my dick.” Well, I myself am not particularly offended… Hey.. this chocolate ain’t for everybody. However, I am not surprised that anyone who is unfamiliar with John Mayer’s dry sense of humor were more than likely shocked at this comment. While I don’t think this is particularly “irresponsible” per se. I had to give him this weeks spot on buzz alone.

PS to all those black girls out there that are mad at John Mayer but have no problem doing the twerk team routine in the club when “Every Girl” comes on… What’s the difference? Oh I get it… because at least Young Money is promoting “diversity” in their promiscuity…to you I say… KILL YO SELF.

Ppl think that there is a country there that these people are only around when they are on CNN. I don't think that's limited to Haiti. (c) Edwidge D.

So since you've been requesting... Here's another post from one of my favs Mali-BU lol. I know he's awesome, and I would like nothing more than to keep his amazing writings to myself but I figured I wouldn't be selfish...FOLLOW HIM ON TWITTER and stop bugging me about when he's gonna write something else :-p @thegreatone1

I remember when I was about 10 or 11 years old, I watched Good Times nightly around 10:30 before I went to bed for school. My mother put me on to the show, and me and her used to watch it together while my dad was working the night hours detailing cars at Avis at Hartsfield-Jackson Airport in Atlanta, Georgia. One of my favorite characters in Good Times was James Evans Sr. He was the hardworking father and bread winner of the struggling innercity Chicago family. He put his whole soul into looking for whatever work is out there to put his family in the best position possible, much like my father. He even had the same messed up mini fro, sometime rocked the same jump suit and threatened to whoop me, just like my father. I endeared myself to the James Evans character. This was a nightly routine until the episode where...well If you all have seen Good Times, you know which episode I am talking about. The one where James Evans Sr. died when he was out of state looking for a job. At the very same time my own father was looking to take a contract in South Carolina working for PYA Monarch, a trucking company that specialized in wholesale food supplies for restaurants. In any event, I stopped watching Good Times ever since because, essentially when James died doing all of the things my father was trying to do for his family. Shakes me to the core to this day, because the parallels between what was going on, on that tv and my own family. Now take that feeling and fast forward to 2010. The Haitian Earthquakes.

For many people who do not know, I am the son of immigrants from the small west African nation of Sierra Leone. A country made famous recently through the exploits of Kanye West in his song “Diamonds from Sierra Leone”. I, by no means am, Haitian but there is a glaring parallel between the two nations: These are two countries who have been economically decimated for years that have encountered humiliating injustices internally for decades that finally received recognition due to a horrid event. With Sierra Leone, it was a civil war over the control of the lucrative Diamond industry. A war that saw children age 5 through 13 being kidnapped from their homes by warlords. Recruited as foot soldiers for the sole purpose to do the biddings of grown men. These children were given semi automatic weapons, flame throwers and opiates and were told to destroy in the name of an industry which has yielded no benefit to their country men. Homes were burned to the ground and limbs, yes limbs, were cut off from victims who had nothing to do with the diamond trade at all. Why? Because the warlords wanted control. The problem progressed for years until the occurrences of the country were leaking out to news outlets globally. But the strife and terror already served it’s purpose to the tiny nation.

On the other end you have Haiti. Now my knowledge of the countries history is a little more limited than my knowledge of Sierra Leone’s history due to the fact I have family in the latter, however from what I have read and from accounts of my friends whose family and friends are from and, still reside in, the nation, saying “it was a bad situation, would be an egregious understatement. Like, Sierra Leone, Haiti has been ravaged by institutional instability due to an influx of dictatorship, a very limited economy, and an inability to acquire social rest. The unmistakable distinction between the two developing nations is that Haiti has had no natural resources to ease the countries deplorable position. Haiti has been struggling since it’s independence from France.

Now I know many felt for the Haitian people, and I am not trying to win a pissing contest for who cares more, nevertheless my heart hurts for them as if they were family because of the parallels between Haiti and Sierra Leone and my connection to people who have family from those countries. Not many know the similar values that West Indian/Caribbean people and African people share. So it really felt like family. This writer’s point is it took two heart wrenching events for the world to pay attention to these nations. In some ways I understand that home needs to be taken care of first, nevertheless, there are countries out there that are struggling tremendously and even more so than this country. I am not saying take food out of your mouth to feed a child in Zanzibar. My goal is to inspire some of you to pay close attention to the strife and heartache of other’s and be more aware of how bad it really can become. Also I hope that efforts such as the “Haiti Relief” effort can cause more effort into volunteer and relief endeavors in the future. Spend more time in helping these type of countries and areas in the United States (hello New Orleans) become a little more stable and ready to meet with harsh events. I always say that God will keep on giving you a message until you “get it”. Each time you choose to ignore his message or “don’t get it” he will deliver that message ten times stronger the next time. With Haiti, I believe the message should be loud and clear.

This is it? (c) MJ movie

So as you know I’m always complaining about the lack of sweet kicks for women. The Blazers below are no exception… they’re just doing a lil too much lol. Not all girls need lace, sequins, and flowers… Sometimes we just want a simple kick too.

It looks like JB is kind of getting it here… Expect these to come about realllll soon… Spring 2010… More info HERE